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The boOK >> Play SMARTER, play BETTER !

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Disc-over a global vision of ultimate 

Discover a new vision of the game and develop your game IQ  ?
Optimize your team and reveal the potential of your players  ?

Develop an intuitive, fluid and organic play thanks to anti-fragility ?


Consult our free pages, link to the book below !

Collective and individual performance clinics 

What ?

Ultimate in motion is a philosophy of play that places dynamism and balance at the center of the player's priorities. From this global and systemic approach comes a set of tactics, strategies and associated structures. This book also aims to propose a complete environment in which each player can flourish. 

For Whom ?

It is as much for players wishing to perfect their mental, physical and skills as it is for coaches wishing to create an efficient and synergistic team. The concepts addressed are the result of extensive research and reflection involving international coaches and strategists.

Why ?

Because the motion, balance and dynamism are the keys of ultimate according to us

Because the philosophy is based on equity, respect, personal development, team synergy, efficiency 

Because we all need to create the ultimate of tomorrow

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it's all about dynamism, balance and pleasure


Engineers of Mines by training, specialized in biomechanics, we discovered the wonderful sport of ultimate in 2013. Since our initiation, we have multiplied our international experiences. Always in a quest to understand the sport on a fundamental level, our approach was based on our scientific training and a background of high-level athletes. We relied on a background of diverse backgrounds (piano, gymnastics, judo, and chess) that we coupled with experience in the field. This way of thinking about the sport led us to write this book, a testimony of this unique vision.

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